Sunday, January 22, 2012

2.1 -- He Must Be One

Together with Prof. Edward Loth and other friends, Papa has been recruited for work now that part of the hospital has been made functional. He now has a certificate of employment, which is probably his most welcome gift.

The Jewish intelligentsia received special questionnaires to fill in concerning religion - theirs as well as their spouses, parents, children. 

Also present and past racial and national allegiance. Papa also received these forms - as many copies as there were people living in our house. No wonder everyone is worried because they do not know how to fill in the forms.

Papa is by nature an optimist. He considers that this does not apply to him. Mama is of a different opinion and it worries her very much. I do not know yet. I do not have much judgement in this respect. But a question occurs to me at once - why do the occupiers need this sort of list?   They have already had one from the religious guild. Is that still not enough? Armbands with the Star of David (blue star on a white background) have previously been issued, to be compulsorily worn on the sleeve of outer garments. 

But I noticed that these do not always work. Many people, even some whom I know, either do not put them on at all, or only when they see Germans. Afterwards they quickly take them off again. Why this branding of people - and then only Jews?  Whether Jew or Pole, surely they live together in the one Poland, so this is their common homeland. 

The only difference is in religion which they practice differently, but surely both believe in God. And He must be One for all the people of the world. How am I to understand it all?  My parents have less and less time for me. As always, there remains only Maryla, who does not leave me for a moment, giving of herself as much as she possibly can.  

She is wholly mine - always.

I like to discuss things with her as if she were Mama. And, indeed, when I was small I received many more caresses from her than from my own Mama who did not have time for it then. But how can I discuss these armbands with Maryla?  She cannot understand it, either.

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